story0917-A young actress saved by the Blessed Virgin.

The Blessed Virgin was preparing a much more precious grace for her, that of rescuing her from the perils that surrounded her innocence.
story0916-A child of Mary flies joyfully to Heaven.

She was singing a hymn, when suddenly, stopping, she exclaimed, “Oh, how beautiful! I hear the voice of Mary my Mother calling me.”
story0915-Excellence of the devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows.

When he went in the morning to visit the holy image, he noticed that there were eight swords in the Heart of Mary instead of seven.
story0914-An act of consecration to Mary written in the blood of a martyr.

Father Matha, a missionary in China, had just administered the sacraments to a dying woman when he fell into the hands of a group of idolaters…
story0913-Mary Protector of those who suffer.

Close to expiring under the violence of the torments, he gathered what remained of his strength, raised his head, and with a dying voice murmured this touching farewell: Ave, Maria!
story0912-The best of all mothers helps a poor Mom.

The Virgin Mary is the Mother of God and our Mother too. She also sympathizes with our miseries and helps us in our needs.
story0911-Edifying death of a servant of the Blessed Virgin.

A young girl dies at 20 in a happiness and peace that only God can give.
Novena to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church, pray for us!
Preparatory Novena to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.”
story0910-Trahec and the thief.

If there is no other life, if there is no God, if we are only matter, I refuse to eat sick potatoes all my life, do you hear?