story0120-The genius of Napoleon.

How just is the word of the Psalmist, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hands.”
story0119-The astronomer and the globe.
The existence of God is deduced from the existence of creatures.
story0118-The incorruptible thumb of Saint Edith.

The sign of the cross is very pleasing to God because by making it one honors the mystery of the Redemption which is the greatest proof of God’s love for mankind.
story0117-The imperial hunt.

As the dog fears the whip with which it has been chastised, so the devil is terrified by the image of this Cross by which he has been defeated.
story0116-Constantine the Great and the Labarum.

We will become victorious against our enemies, if in danger we arm ourselves with the sign of the cross. The sign of the cross is a source of blessing.
story0115-Stripped of the garment by the enemy.

To lose one’s life for God is to enter heaven immediately; so the Church never prays for martyrs.
story0114-The obedient child.

In appearance, they are defeated because they lost their lives when they could have saved them by trampling on the law of God; in reality, they are heroes and therefore victors, who rightly bear the palm of triumph.
story0113-Emperor Constantius and his Christian officers.

The world itself despises those who betray their religion.
Litany in honor of the Eternal Father

Composed at the request of Saint Margaret d’Youville
story0112-The death of Gobel, the intruder bishop of Paris.

He who apostasizes sometimes reaps the opposite of what he hoped for in this life. To lose eternal life, however, is the only irreparable misfortune.