story0805-Pious stratagem of a Sister of Charity

The august Queen of Heaven suggested a holy stratagem; that of slipping a miraculous medal into the bed of the patient.
story0804-Mary’s gentle reproach

If I am beautiful, why do you want to abandon Me for another wife?” She said to him; “don’t I have enough attractions for you?
story0803-Trust of Blessed Alphonsus Salmeron

Oh, how sweet it is to die, when one has loved Mary from his tenderest youth!
story0802-The Virgin Mary preserves a child from the flames

The two bundles collapsed, half devoured by the flame, and the poor mother thought she saw her beloved child at the bottom of the furnace.
story0801-The rescue of an officer

Desperate, therefore, as it often happens, to remedy the misfortunes of all kinds that fell upon him at the same time, he resolved to end a life that had become a burden to him…
story0731-Our heart is too big for the world; God alone is bigger than our heart!

“You acquired much glory at the siege of Pamplona and you pass today for one of the most illustrious warriors of Spain. Do not destroy your reputation, do not dishonor your family by a folly unworthy of you…”
story0730-Little John’s kiss

Approaching the table where the large and small hosts were, he kissed a large one with infinite respect.
story0729-Persevering prayer

“Go, replied the bishop, and continue to do what you are doing. For it is impossible that a son, wept over with so many tears, should ever perish.” This word restored confidence to the poor mother, who welcomed it as if it had come from the mouth of God Himself.
story0728-A champion of gentleness

Anger, as he said, was the passion that it cost him most to overcome.
story0727-Only the virtue for which one must fight hard is real

The Saint replied, “I think that the one of whom you complain has made more progress in virtue in a few months, than this other one, whom you praise so much, has made in a year.”