“Our salvation and sanctification are in humility and submission to the holy Will of God which is manifested to us by everything that happens to us, especially that which is unpleasant. Let us therefore accept everything willingly.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“We must practice the virtues as best we can, but those that God makes us practice are the safest. There can be much self-esteem in our actions, while in complete submission to the Will of God, we are safe from this rodent worm of vanity.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“If you are studying and reading a text, do it slowly. As soon as a point hits you and does good to your soul, stop there like a bee that forages on its flower as long as it finds juice... There should be no avidity in reading. Let us not forget that it is above all through prayer that we will obtain the Science of God.” (Father John Gregory of the Trinity)
”The fight against God's enemies is more actual than ever. We must fight against all that is contrary to God. It is in an act of absolute humility, adoring all the will of God, that we will be strong against Satan and his henchmen.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“It is in prayer that we are enlightened, even more than in theology books. Today we do great studies, but study in God is what is missing. That is why the world is in darkness. God is the Source of all light. It is He who makes us know the science of sciences.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Jesus Christ became man to teach us the true wisdom of God, that is, how God sees, understands, hears things. In the Gospel He taught us how we too, poor humans, His servants, must perceive His thought, and especially follow Him in His way by practicing His teachings.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“You shall earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, God said to Adam after the first sin. Work is a penance intended by God for our purification. If we do not do it in this spirit of penance, we displease God. God didn't say, "You're going to have fun..." ...but the human being always has the idea of turning everything into a game.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“Our attachments, our lack of sacrifice, our earthly ambitions, all these prevent us from uniting with God. That's the real evil: not to be united with God, the only purpose of our lives. To live only for the earth, as an earthling, with no eternal destiny, is wrong.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“What are the souls on this earth that truly savor God? These are the souls who leave the earth. Do we want to savor God, do we want to experience the things of God? Let us forget the earth. Let's leave aside so many trifles that tend to overwhelm us.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“Pride won't disappear with two or three acts of humility. Perhaps when you have made a hundred thousand, pride will be somewhat diminished, but it is a weed that grows again and again, and you have to clean it up as you go along. The weeding of a garden has to be done over and over again. Life is a continuous beginning.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“If you only remove the weeds on the surface, they grow back. If we want to prepare the soil of our soul and make it into a beautiful garden where the good Lord will be able to put His seed and make it produce a hundred to one, it takes courage, it takes willpower.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“We weeded the garden, we got rid of the ladybugs, and because we did what we could, and we had a good harvest. With God, that's even truer. The good Lord works miracles in the realm of grace, in the realm of souls, when He sees the good will and effort of His child.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Let's not rest on our laurels before time. We will be in the field of battle for the rest of our lives, brothers and sisters. Battlefield against hell, against the world, against the evil forces within us, against our self-love.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“We must not think only of the difficulties of sowing, but encourage ourselves by anticipating the harvest. In the spiritual order, one would like to reap, to receive God's graces without effort. Of course, all that we can do will never be enough to deserve God's graces. However, God's bounty on us will be all the greater for our generosity.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The doctrine of Christian renunciation seems austere, but please believe, my brothers and sisters, that the more you desire and make the sacrifice of yourselves with love and without calculation, the more peace and joy in your souls you will have.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The more we return to frugality, to simplicity, the more we are in the truth. The simpler it is, the truer it is, the closer it is to God. Let us not feel too much pity for ourselves. Let us be good, charitable to our neighbour, very forgiving to our neighbour and severe to ourselves, if we want to grow in the love of God.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“My God, I believe that in the Gospel it is You, the eternal Word of God, who gives us all these examples, all these teachings. I read them and make them mine. But, my God, I am a poor man... I put myself in prayer, because I want to fulfill Your request, Your expectation. I believe with faith that You can produce it in me.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“If you think that God expects such a sacrifice from you, you must do it because God has every right over His creature. If you fail to do so, you must turn to Him and beg Him to forgive you for your cowardice. He has the right to ask everything of us and we have a duty to offer everything to Him as a loving sacrifice.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The mystery of redemption, the mystery of the Cross, is the center of all Jesus' teaching, it is the center of His doctrine: The Cross! Without sacrifice, there is no Christianity.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The gospel says that Jesus went up on Tabor and as He prayed, He was transfigured. We must transform ourselves to be in accordance with what God expects of us. This transformation takes place mainly through the prayer of souls who truly pray and who make the effort to pray steadfastly.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“With prayer and the fulfillment of God's good pleasure we will walk the path that God has traced out for us and we will reach the goal. We will do great things if we practice these two things: pray and accomplish what is pleasing to God, with simplicity.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Let your prayer be habitual, day and night. Pray in your comings and goings, in your occupations, but above all, reserve for yourself personal moments of solitude, alone with God. Devote time to making a supplication to God, under His gaze, striking you on the chest, annihilating you before Him.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“You must get into the habit of praying at all times. Prayer is as necessary for the soul as air and breath are for the body. Pray not only when kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament, but in all tasks, while moving from one place to another, when you have to wait.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“We can do nothing without God's help. It is this humble conviction that makes us pray continually. The proud one wants to be self-sufficient. He wants to manage everything on his own. He says he doesn't need to turn to God for the smallest details...” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“He who perseveres to the end, he alone will be saved. -We know the tree by its fruit, Jesus tells us. We recognize God's action in a soul when that soul perseveres and produces real and profound fruits.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
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