“Man's first duty on earth is to work for the salvation of his soul. It is the present moment that must be sanctified with all possible application; tomorrow is not ours.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Those who come here expect to be spiritual, and they must be given it. They will be grateful if they see that we are servants of God who do not seek human interests, but only the interests of God and of souls. That's what wins them.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Do you want to be humble souls? It is through the submission of your will and judgment that you will obtain humility, which will enable you to obtain the grace of the Holy Spirit. God gives His grace to the humble. It all makes sense. It's like a gear, there's a whole chain. One cannot have humility without obedience, nor obedience without humility.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“It's by hanging out with our friends that friendship develops. So it is with God. Divine friendship is the friendship of friendships! Even if we had all the people of the world as friends, without God's friendship we would lack the main thing.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Gather treasures in Heaven, Our Lord tells us. They make us a beautiful garment and after a short time, it is already worn out, it must be discarded; but what we gather for Heaven, we shall never lose.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“One must detach oneself from everything on earth, we must live here as strangers. Our only attachment must be to Jesus. Our goal is union with Him. When you understand this, everything becomes light.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“It's up to us to radiate goodness. Knowing the beauty of goodness and the happiness of serving God, men will abandon the path of worldly life. It is this radiance that God expects from us, much more than our storms against evil.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“If we must suffer, it is the infallible sign of the elect. We mustn't be scandalized by the cross in our lives. It is the cross that makes it great, that makes it worthy.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Heavenly treasures don't wear out, don't run out. It will be a joy for us for all eternity to have served God. Let us not waste a minute while we have the time.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Whatever you want men to do for you, do it for them yourselves. This is the great law of charity which Our Lord has given us. Let us not for one moment forget this great principle; let it be the guiding motive in all our relations with our neighbor.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“Today it is in vain that Jesus seeks refuge in the whole world. Hearts are closed to Him, because they are full of love for the things of the world.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“There is no true joy outside the path laid out by Jesus. We can seek a little happiness anyway, we will never find contentment outside the Will of God.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Saints are not those who do the most penance, but those who accept God's will. We must concentrate all our efforts on accepting His will. Love must be proved by conformity, and this is what we must strive for with all our strength.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“God wants us to be His apostles. We must prepare ourselves for this by becoming souls of meditation, souls of prayer. Instinctively, our soul must turn to God. We must train ourselves in this spiritual mechanism which is of the utmost importance.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The more sacrificed, the more generous souls will have the graces of God in greater abundance. The good Lord loves generosity. He doesn't like pettiness. He likes people to give generously. God does not allow Himself to be defeated in generosity. He has never disappointed anyone who has given himself all to Him.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“A chainsaw is beautiful, it's so wonderful! But if you don't know how to use it, in an instant it can become a deadly instrument. It is the same with all the graces of God. They are very precious if we use them well.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Everything's fine when you have humility. We must hurry to acquire humility and to do so, we must take energetic means, put the axe to the root of the tree. You have to get in the game and go for it resolutely, get in the game, courageously.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Mankind has strayed from the path that God has set for him, and all trouble is born of this fact. Let's go back to God's path, to the recipe of the Gospel, and we'll be fine. God created us, says the catechism, to know Him, love Him and serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him in Heaven throughout eternity. This is the reason for our existence on earth.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“Of course, the first great prayer is the Holy Mass, but we cannot always say it or attend it, while the Rosary is accessible at all times. We can say it simply in our comings and goings, even without having the Rosary in our hands we can say Hail Marys, while thinking of the mysteries of Jesus and Mary.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“In His plan, the good Lord wants us to be dependent on one another... He wants us to have need of our neighbor, to come to our aid, to comfort us, to ease our pain.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“When contempt is given to us, we are in a privileged position. But if we're looking for a little human glory, we've understood nothing. Today people want a little glory, popularity; this prevents them from doing good; they don't have freedom of soul. Not wanting to be unpopular, there's no one left to fight for the truth.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“For the reign of God to come, His Will must first be established in us. Turn to Jesus in prayer: My Jesus, who, being God, told me that You came to do the Will of Your Father, I want to do the Will of God following You.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“My Jesus, I want to resemble You in Your obedience. Like You, I want to fulfill the Will of the Father of Heaven. I want it so that Thy kingdom may come.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The good Lord wants to transform us, but we have to do our part. Some Saints have had to struggle against all sorts of evil inclinations. They had to endure many struggles, and that is how they came to holiness. The good Lord has come to crown their efforts.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Everything that happens in our lives is wanted or permitted by our Father in heaven. By looking at all events in this way, we will benefit from everything. Everything turns out for the good of those who love God, says St. Paul.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“God is not overcome in generosity. If you truly do the courageous deeds that are necessary, God will come to your aid, to overcome all the obstacles that prevent your souls from realizing what He expects of you.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“If we are often distracted, God is always attentive to each of His children. Let us never forget that He is a Father filled with love and who only wants what is best for us. Nothing escapes Him and He makes everything contribute to the good of our souls.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“We need to be purified. Humans and all the circumstances of our lives serve to detach us from the earth, from ourselves, to purify us and make us fit to receive God's graces. As we accept divine treatment, great joy comes into our souls.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Why do we so easily lose the joy and peace of soul? Because we do not see the hand of God in what happens to us. We don't make the act of faith to recognize that in everything and everywhere it is the love of our Father in heaven that organizes and directs all things.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The perpetual adoration that God expects is the sacrifice of my judgment, of my own will, of my independence, of my thoughts, of my way of seeing things. It is the immolation of what has offended God the most: our pride, our own reason. That is what must be immolated so that our life may be an act of perpetual adoration.” (Fr. Mathurin)
“God loves the supplicant prayer that goes up to Him, and all Heaven listens to this prayer with admiration. If you knew this, you would always be in that state of prayer that makes Heaven enter in jubilation, and somehow makes one forget the reign of Satan.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“What sanctifies us is not to have important positions, but to love God, to humble ourselves, to be small. That is the sure way.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“If the cross is heavy, if you're crushed, if you're down, if you're discouraged, if you're rebellious, pray! Personally, whenever I am discouraged, I start praying and courage always returns. It is miraculous and it cannot be otherwise. Jesus said it: Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will make you whole.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“We should always pray: "My God, inspire us with what to say, what to do, how to do it. You know I'm not very bright." You have to humble yourself, humble yourself: "I'm nothing but misery... Support me with Your strength..." Through prayer you will obtain all graces, but unceasing prayer.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“When you clean as you go, the house is always tidy. We must do the cleaning continuously, the moral cleaning of our souls. If there are reprehensible things in you, repair them as you go along. You will see that if you repair the evil as you do it, you will correct yourself very quickly, you will not fall very long in the same shortcomings.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
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