“If you want to build a multi-storey building, you have to dig down to the rock, erect pillars. It's the same in the spiritual life. Dig, dig, you can never dig deep enough. First you must start with pillars of humility. The deeper you dig through humility, to make a foundation on rock, the safer the building can go up.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
”There is nothing wrong with having human skills; on the contrary, you need them. But our conversation, our interest should not be directed only towards these needs. Through the necessary occupations, our heart must remain attentive to God, anxious to please Him, to abide in His Holy Will.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“Let our hearts be more and always more attentive to God. Even though we have to take care of the earthly things, go about our various occupations, let our hearts and minds turn very often to God and be attentive to Him. And God will manifest Himself.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“So much work in the three years of Jesus' public life! He crossed Galilee, Samaria and Judea, always on foot, in the heat, the sun and the cold, setting under the stars with His apostles, in all sorts of privations and inconveniences; paying with His own person to teach the crowds. He goes and sacrifices Himself for the good of souls.” (Fr. Mathurin)
“It is faith that made the Saints. It is faith that will make the new Apostles who will go out and preach the Gospel. May the faith grow in your souls, that you may be the chosen ones and the new apostles whom the good Lord will use to renew Christendom, to go forth and bring the faith into souls.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“To want the reign of God is to want what God wants, simply, but with truth. The worst obstacle to God's work, and this is true on every level, is the "I". The ego, the self-love of Christians hurts the Church more than all its enemies combined.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“Living together in harmony, to achieve a goal, is one of the great acts of charity. Whereas individualism, where each one wants to live independently without concern for others, is an attitude radically opposed to charity.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“We must not forget this primacy of the search for God. Everything else is pure nothingness. These constructions, all this human, material work that we do would be of no use if it were not for the greater glory of God. They must be only means to accomplish of this spiritual work.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“We must build our house on the rock of humility, the rock of God's love, to be stuck to God. Let us ask for the grace to be cemented with the good Lord. You see the constructions, all those bricks cemented together! It would be very difficult to take them off; it's the image of our souls cemented together with the good Lord.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“All our work in the material order must serve the spiritual realm. If we have houses, it is to shelter servants of the good Lord. All these works must therefore be done with much love of God and much spirit of faith and supernatural spirit, so that we may have God's blessing on all that we undertake.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“The good Lord has gathered you here first of all to live under His gaze, to please Him and fulfill His holy Will, to be truly His children of predilection in whom He will find His pleasures, as He found them in His divine Son, Jesus...” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“It is not easy to unite the contemplative life with the laborious life. But if we are faithful to the little things we ask, we will obtain the grace not to lose God's presence in the midst of all our activities.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The things of the earth are not an obstacle but a stairway to God. Let's not stop on the way. In the spiritual order, we must always go up, not stay on the path... Everything must serve us as a means to go up to God. And to do that, we must see everything through the eyes of God.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“God manifests Himself to him that keeps His commandments. Blessed is he who has the spirit of poverty, who is detached from all the things of the earth, whose heart is united to his one end: God. He who is united with God, keeps His commandments and God loves Him. Is it not already bliss on earth to know that God loves him?” (Fr. Mathurin)
“If you truly listen to Jesus, the Kingdom of God will be established in you. And if God reigns in you, His Kingdom will be established unerringly also over the whole earth. Jesus said to His Apostles: It is the glory of My Father that you go forth and bear fruit, and that fruit may abide.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The love of the good Lord is a fire that is maintained and increased by the fuel of all the little things we do to submit to the Holy Will of God, all these litttle acts of virtue.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The love of the cross is the enormous force that founded Christianity. This fire burned in the first Christians and this fire must burn in us. We must be lovers of the cross. Otherwise we are not Christians.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The more wretched the instrument, the more it proves the greatness of the artist. If someone says to you when showing a beautiful painting: This painter made it with chipped brushes, old paint pots. You will say: Oh, how clever he is. When God wants to do something it's easy for Him, even with the most miserable instrument.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“The good Lord has chosen us! May it be a source of joy and enthusiasm for us. We are in His house, He gives us the opportunity to serve Him. Let us ask the good Lord for the grace to appreciate the choice He has made of our humble selves. He has chosen us. Each of us must play our part fully; each of us is important.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“Every Christian is obliged to do God's will, but let us go further, seeking what is most pleasing to God. It is through this army of souls all given that the world will be remade, that it will return to God and that the Church will be renewed.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“As soon as we seek to enjoy life, we cannot do God's Work. God's work will be done by working, praying and depriving ourselves.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The only science that matters is the science of eternity. Jesus has come to reveal it to us. He revealed Himself to us from His birth to Calvary, through the Eucharist. He told us: I am the light of the world. He who follows Me does not walk in darkness. I am the light, I am the One who enlightens. St. John adds: He enlightens every man who comes into this world.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The spirit of prayer is the power line that allows our souls to be in contact with the divine power. Even if we had the most beautiful electrical power, if there is no line to make contact, that power cannot function. God wants to communicate all the benefits of His divine electricity to us, but we need contact. And that contact is prayer and anything that promotes the spirit of prayer.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“The apostles, after the death of Jesus, went out through all the earth preaching the gospel, preaching Jesus. What made them powerful to win the world to God? They were vibrant with love. Remember, God created man to love him and be loved by Him.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“At the hour of death, no earthly greatness shall remain. Only one thing will remain before God: the greatness of the Saints, the greatness of the souls who have united themselves to God, who have been divinized. The more we are united with God, the more divine, not human, our life becomes.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“The greatest gift of all is the love of God. With God's love, everything enters its true dimension. The greater the love of God in a soul, the more perfect and balanced everything becomes, measured by divine measure.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“My God, I want to obey You, accept suffering, exercise penance. I beseech You, help me to hide from others that this is costing me, because I want to offer it to You with love, for You. It is only for You that I want to do it, and I want to do it out of love.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“The act of worship is to say to God, 'My God, you have every right over me. I am Your creature, I belong to You, I am Your thing. This is the marrow, this is the center, the heart, the soul of our religion. God has every right over His creature. Let us enter into His purpose in all things, in all circumstances of life.” (Fr. Mathurin)
“We must have absolute trust in God, but at the same time He wants us to work hard. A farmer doesn't say, "The angels will come and milk the cows." No, he gets up in the morning and goes about his business. The same in the spiritual realm; the good Lord demands our effort.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Our sincerity is proved by our acceptance of the Divine will, by a loving and joyful acceptance of all His wills. He who loves Me, says Our Lord, does My Will. He who accepts a job with a bad temper, doesn't have the love of God. (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“If in the material order it takes so much calculation and precision to get something done, what care must we not bring to the matter of our salvation. It is a mockery of the good Lord to serve Him in any way and to think we can achieve the same end.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The effectiveness of our apostolate will come from our union with God. In order to go and light the fire of divine love in the world, we ourselves must be inflamed by it. We cannot give what we don't have.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“The purpose of our life on earth is union with God, to prepare the way for Heaven. The happiness of eternity is union with God, but already on earth we must always strive for this union. This is the purpose of life and we miss it, we forget it so much! It's so easy to get distracted!” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“God needs souls who forget themselves, who humble themselves profoundly before Him: My God, I am Yours, I serve You, You alone. Not my will, but Yours. I want to forget myself. I want to resemble You, I want to walk in Your footsteps. I don't want my will, but Your will, manifested in Your Gospel, in Your Holy Law.” (Father Mathurin of the Mother of God)
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